
This notice is for reminding only. Formosa 2 has complied with relevant regulations in deploying demarcation buoys and issuing notices to mariners. To avoid damage and/or accident, do not access the Construction Area.
1. 海能離岸風力發電專案已於2020年9月公告風場施工邊界浮標範圍標示風場施工區域如圖,詳情見海軍大氣海洋局航船布告之"73號 臺灣西部海域 - 浮標佈放"。
2. 承上,此區域往來船隻與漁船應全時避免進入施工區域,以防影響海上施工作業以及船隻碰撞安全。
3. 係因工程施作期間,基樁作業船"海底尤金號"將於四周布放8座錠錨,其範圍較廣,故示意為高危險區,船隻與漁船亦應遠離。
4. 因闖入施工區域所致之任何後果本公司概不負責,本公司並將依法主張權利。
1. Formosa 2 OWF Project has issued NtM to delineate the boundary of Construction Area during construction period as shown in the figure. The detail as NtM, "No. 73(T) Taiwan West Waters – Buoy Deployed", issued by NMOO.
2. As above, all the vessel and fishing boat shall keep clear of the Construction Area at all times in order to avoid any impact to construction and navigation safety.
3. This figure provides additional information to mariners are on the high risk areas associated with the current construction activities due to the fact that anchor system deployed from the construction vessels may oversail the construction boundary. To consider the navigation safety and remind the vessel around this area, please also ensure that vessels remain clear of this high risk area.
4. Formosa 2 will not be held liable for any consequences arising from the access of the Construction Area and will assert relevant claims in accordance with the law.